What Does a Smart Card Manufacturer Do?

smart card manufacturer

What Does a Smart Card Manufacturer Do?

Smart card manufacturers are involved in the manufacturing of plastic cards that can be used for payment, identity, security and other purposes. These cards are made with a variety of materials, including polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other plastics.

These cards have a contact interface that communicates with card readers using application protocol data units (APDU). Communication between the application and the card is defined in several ISO documents.


Security is a term used to describe the protection of a person or place from threat, attack, sabotage, espionage, or fraud. In the 21st century, security has resurfaced as an important concern in nearly every facet of life.

Smart card technology is used to enhance security by protecting the data stored on a device, card, or system. It can also help protect the privacy of an individual by preventing others from accessing information that they shouldn’t have.

The smart card has an embedded microprocessor, which performs a variety of functions, including the identification and authentication of the user and other third parties that want to access the card. It can also help protect the information that is stored on the card by using encryption to protect communication.

Another benefit of a smart card is its ability to store and update data on the card, which reduces the need for replacement cards. This feature is often used by healthcare providers to improve patient care and efficiency while reducing the cost of maintaining paper records.

A smart card can also be programmed with multiple credentials, enabling users to access a wide range of services. These include banking credentials, medical entitlements, driver’s license/public transport entitlement, loyalty programs, club memberships and many more.

Depending on the application, a smart card manufacturer can add features to the card that enhance its security, such as multi-factor or proximity authentication. These features are especially useful for secure contactless transactions that involve a wireless device like a mobile phone.

For example, a contactless smart card can be programmed with a password to protect sensitive information from theft or compromise. It can also be programmed with a PIN code or biometric data for a secure way to identify the cardholder.

It can also be programmed with a card holder verification value (CHV1 or CHV2) that requires the presentation of a valid value in order to gain access to the card. This feature is especially effective for applications that require high levels of security such as banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions.


Customization is the ability of a smart card manufacturer to create and modify a card to meet specific customer requirements. This allows the card to be used in a variety of applications, and it can also help a company stay competitive in the marketplace.

A smart card can be customized with various features, including logos, colors and designs. These changes can increase the effectiveness of the card and enhance its appearance.

Another way that a smart card can be customized is by adding a security feature to the card. For example, a smart card can be used to store a fingerprint image that can be scanned by a computer to verify the user’s identity.

These features can be used in a variety of applications, including banking, insurance and healthcare. They can be used to ensure the safety of employees and patients, and they can also allow people to access information faster.

A custom card manufacturer can offer a range of customization options for your card, and they can also provide additional services such as printing and packaging. These services can make the process of personalizing your smart card easier, and they can save you time and money.

The customization process starts with the design of your card. This can be done with the assistance of a professional designer, or you can simply use your own ideas and creativity.

Once the design is complete, it can be printed with various types of inks and coatings. The final product can be packaged and shipped to the customer.

One of the most smart card manufacturer important components of a smart card is the micromodule, which is responsible for the electronic functions that it contains. The chip can be engraved with a logo or any other information, depending on the demand of the issuer.

This technology helps card manufacturers respond to issuers’ needs without having to change the manufacturing chain or equipment. It also reduces costs and increases the overall performance of the card.

Allstate is an award-winning American company that produces a wide variety of custom card solutions for customers worldwide. Their technology enables them to produce cards that work with the chips and operating systems that their customers prefer. They also have a team of smart card manufacturer experienced experts who can respond quickly to market changes and customer requests.


Reusability is the ability to incorporate existing components, assets and methods into a new system without having to modify them. This can reduce the time required to develop a new system and the cost of developing a new one, while increasing the likelihood that prior testing and use has eliminated any bugs in a system.

Reuse is a key concept in computer science and software engineering. It can be a simple form of reuse such as re-use of code, or it can involve creating a system that uses components and functions with a degree of genericity.

Regardless of how it is achieved, reusability helps to avoid waste in the software development process and makes sure that the most cost-effective solutions are developed first. It also allows the developer to focus on areas where they have experience and expertise.

The most common types of reusability are component, function and object based. Each has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, but all offer a high level of flexibility and ease of use.

Smart card technology is the use of microchips to store data and allow for a number of different functions. The technology is used for a wide range of applications, including banking, transportation and retail.

A smart card manufacturer can help customers design, develop and manufacture a variety of cards for their specific requirements. They can also provide technical support and assistance during the process.

OMEC Smart Card, for example, is a manufacturer of contactless and RFID-based smart cards. The company also offers custom smart cards that are made to order. It serves customers in the gaming, hospitality, health care, telecommunications, ticketing and transportation industries.

Complex Cards, or multi-functional smart cards, are a type of smart card that includes additional features. The cards are manufactured using the same manufacturing processes as standard smart cards, but they also incorporate additional hardware.

Some of these features include buttons, audio and biometrics. This type of technology is designed to increase security and improve customer experiences.

Reusable smart cards can help to avoid the risks of data theft and fraud. They can be used as a form of digital ID for many different purposes and can be a great addition to any business. They can also be a great way to streamline business operations and enhance the customer experience.


Smart cards are electronic devices that can be used to authenticate users and make payments. They typically have a microprocessor and memory, but they can also incorporate apps or software. They use a circular metal contact to activate electrically, and are usually attached to a card reader (POS for payment, ATM or mobile phone).

The costs of smart cards are not as high as those of digital tokens or other authentication technologies. They can cost less than $10 apiece when manufactured in small quantities.

These cards offer a number of advantages over traditional security mechanisms. For example, they can provide tamper-resistant storage for network passwords and private keys. They can also be used to achieve nonrepudiation, which means that the user cannot deny having done something.

In addition, smart cards can help companies reduce support costs. They can help employees to get access to corporate data without requiring a password or other access code. They can also help companies to reduce the risk of phishing attacks.

Some smart cards can be biometric, which means that they use fingerprints or other identifying features to confirm identity. They can be useful in many applications, including boarding passes and government identification.

Another advantage of biometric smart cards is their manufacturability, which allows them to be integrated into existing hot lamination processes. This is an attractive feature for organizations that need to rapidly produce large numbers of cards, as the systems can be adapted to different card designs with minimal effort.

Depending on the size and number of fingerprint sensors, biometric cards can be produced with a variety of manufacturing processes. They can be manufactured using conventional cold lamination or hot lamination technology, and they can be printed on a variety of substrates, from paper to metal.

The cost of a smart card is dependent on its functionality and the chip used to power it. It can range from less than $15 to more than $200 per piece, depending on the quality of the plastic and the chip.

The telecommunications and healthcare industries are likely to experience the largest growth in the global smart card market over the next five years. These segments are expected to increase their demand for smart cards as they digitize communications and health care. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the electronics sector and stalled production facilities across Europe, which may restrict their growth in 2020.