The Server PCB Market

Server PCB

The Server PCB Market

The server PCB market has emerged as a key segment within the computer hardware industry. This market has grown due to the growing demand for cloud computing services and the proliferation of data centers worldwide.

When designing a PCB, it is important to consider the materials and components you are using. This will help you to make the best decisions when laying out your design.


Printed circuit boards (PCB) play an essential role in delivering high-speed connectivity, data processing, and reliability to server hardware. They are used to connect and interface with all other components in the system, including CPUs, memory modules, networking equipment, and storage devices.

Server PCBs are available in a variety of materials and can be customized to meet specific applications and needs. They are used in a range of industries, from healthcare to manufacturing and transportation.

This market is a growing industry and has attracted significant attention from investors and businesses alike. As a result, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2023 to 2030.

The demand for Server PCBs has been driven by advancements in technology, the growth of the IT sector, and increasing investment in data centers. These trends are projected to continue in the future, thereby boosting global revenue.

In addition to the rise in digitalization, cloud computing has also fueled the global Server PCB market. This is expected to result in the expansion of the industry across various regions, including Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, and the United States.

Companies that are involved in the production of Server PCBs have been implementing several strategies to increase their market share and strengthen their position in the industry. These include product innovation, product development, and expanding their distribution networks.

Another strategy used by these companies is to focus on improving the quality of their products and services. They have a team of dedicated experts who design and manufacture PCBs that meet the highest standards of performance and durability.

These efforts help them improve their product offerings and reduce their overall costs. This Server PCB helps them increase their market share and improve their bottom line.

The Server PCB market has been growing at a rapid rate in recent years, with companies adopting numerous strategies to maximize their growth potential. This trend is expected to continue in the future, with increased focus on cloud technology and the proliferation of data centers.


Printed circuit boards are key components in server hardware. They hold central processing units (CPUs), memory modules, and peripheral devices such as storage interfaces. They also perform many other functions, including integrating a system’s software and firmware and supporting network connections and other internal and external systems.

Server PCBs are used in a wide range of computing and data storage applications, from high-end servers to specialized solutions such as military or medical servers. These products require advanced PCB technologies and capabilities to ensure high-speed connectivity, data processing, and reliability.

The rise in demand for cloud-based services has fueled growth of the Server PCB market. This is because digitalization and cloud computing offer a variety of benefits, such as lower costs and increased security. Additionally, these technologies provide opportunities for new business models and increased efficiency.

However, the growth of the Server PCB market is expected to slow in the near future. Moreover, factors such as the Russia-Ukraine War and the Post Covid-19 Pandemic may disrupt supply chains and limit demand. This, in turn, may reduce the overall market size.

Another challenge facing the Server PCB industry is signal integrity. As data rates increase, designers must optimize the channel to ensure low latency and minimal interference. They must also avoid using re-timers, which can increase signal latency and result in congestion in the channel.

One of the most important signal integrity strategies is tabbed routing, which can improve signal transmission by minimizing far-end cross-talk and matching the overall TDR impedance. This is achieved by applying a special routing pattern that extends beyond the CPU pin field, break-out zone, and main routing of the channel.

While tabbed routing reduces far-end cross-talk (FEXT), it does not eliminate signal loss. Re-timers, on the other hand, can eliminate FEXT, but also increase signal latency and create signal congestion.

Increasing a PCB’s layer count or reducing trace width is a potential solution to Server PCB signal congestion, but these strategies have their own limitations. As a result, back drilling is recommended to remove via stubs and minimize the risk of signal loss.


Printed circuit boards are one of the most important components of computer hardware. They provide high-speed connectivity and data processing and are used in various applications, including computing servers and storage servers.

Hackers are a serious threat to any device, but it is possible to prevent them from accessing your PCB design and stealing essential details and information. The key is to add dedicated researched designs for security and use a series of countermeasures that will stop hackers from getting their hands on your data.

There are three ways that a bad actor might insert a surreptitious component into your PCB: First, it can be added in production. This is hard to do because it requires altering the supply chain, programming a pick-and-place machine, and attaching a reel of parts. It would also require a lot of cooperation from several bad actors, which could indicate a conspiracy.

Second, a bad actor might try to add the extra component during repair and rework. This is easier to do, as it would require a technician to manually add the component to defective boards.

Third, a bad actor might try to sneak the component into the shipment of a product. This can occur in a warehouse, for example.

It is a good idea to check your boards for surreptitious components in four rounds of manual checks. This can be done by hand or using automated systems that can look for a component that lacks a reference designator, or by scanning the board with an X-ray, microscopy, or optical imaging device.

These measures are a must to ensure that your Server PCB is safe from hackers. It’s also a good idea to remove any unnecessary information from your PCB design and use components and parts that do not leave any traces or leads on the PCB.

Another important measure to take is to use a microcontroller that has considerably less electromagnetic emissions. This will help to hide traces and lead so that hackers can’t get a hold of your information. It can also be beneficial to add embedded and planar capacitors to your PCB.


In most devices and electronic equipment, you have probably seen a printed circuit board (PCB). These are laminated structures of conductive insulated layers that host electronics components in designated areas and provide reliable electrical connections between the components and conductive pads.

Those conductive layers are joined together by traces, planes, and other features using chemical etching processes that deposit copper layers on sheets of a non-conductive substrate. Those copper layers are then covered with a dielectric material made from a polymer such as polyimide.

The number of conductive layers rises depending on the complexity of the circuit and the complexity of the circuitry layout. As a result, designers use two-layer and multilayer flexible PCBs.

Single-Sided Flex Circuits: A single-layer flex circuit is composed of a conductive layer of copper combined with a dielectric material that is bonded to it with an adhesive. The conductive layer’s outer sides can be exposed or have covers like copper pads. The conductive layer is then connected to the dielectric material by plated through-holes or other means.

Manufacturers also have to consider the tracing and routing of a flex circuit’s traces. Traces need to be curved and perpendicular to the general bend of the board.

Hence, manufacturers must carefully select the material for the tracing and routing of a flexible circuit’s traces. They can choose from a variety of materials, including FR-4, FR-6, and PI.

They must also consider the thickness of the tracing and routing, and the design layout that ensures adequate flexibility for the traces. These factors affect the lifespan and performance of a flexible circuit’s traces.

These tracing and routing decisions are crucial to the success of any circuit design. They also help in reducing the number of rework points during manufacturing.

Another important consideration is the design of the conductive layers. Generally, the thinner the copper layers are, the lower the risk of via damage during operation. Moreover, if certain areas of the tracing and routing need to be rigid, manufacturers can laminate a stiffener to those portions.

The design of a flex circuit can be tricky, since a single-layer or double-sided flex circuit needs a special base material or an adhesive to bond the different layers. However, flex circuit manufacturers have developed a special base material called adhesive-less Polyimide, which can bond to copper without using an adhesive.