RFID Card Supplier

rfid card supplier

RFID Card Supplier

RFID technology is a modern solution that uses tags and readers to identify, track, and manage items. It also uses smart sensors and GPS technology to support internet of things (IoT) deployments.

RFID tags can be passive or active and operate at a variety of frequencies. These frequencies include low-frequency (LF), high-frequency (HF), and ultra-high-frequency (UHF).

Product Description

A rfid card is a laminated plastic card equipped with a radio frequency antenna or smart card inlay inside. This makes it a suitable choice for many applications including identity, access control, e-ticketing, shopper recognition and mobile payments.

RFID cards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are a great way to make your business more efficient and competitive. They can also help prevent theft and product loss. For example, RFID can be used to track products and inventory, so that employees don’t have to count stock manually in the middle of the night.

The best part is that they are affordable and durable. You can also have them customized to your specifications. This makes them the ideal choice for your next business improvement project.

As the rfid card supplier, we have a wide selection of RFID cards that are made from high quality materials and printed with premium inks and technology. Some of our more popular products include HF RFID, UHF RFID, M1 RFID, contactless cards and paper ticket. The best way to get the most out of your next rfid card project is to call us today for a free quote. We would love to help you find the rfid cards that are right for your company.


RFID is an excellent way to track your assets and ensure that everything gets where it needs to be on time. This can be especially important for companies that have expensive equipment, like test instruments or computers, which can suddenly disappear without warning.

In addition, it allows you to easily access your tagged items from anywhere in the building or outside. This saves you the headache of having to walk around rfid card supplier with a physical item in order to locate it.

Another benefit of using an rfid card is that it can be used with multiple locks and security policies. This can reduce the risk of someone tampering with the locks, and it can also help to identify who is responsible for each locker in the facility.

This is an important feature for hospitals because it means that people do not need to carry a large number of keys with them, which can be a significant cost for the hospital. In addition, it can help to ensure that only authorized employees have access to the various areas of a facility.

Unlike barcodes, which can only be read in a clear line of sight, an rfid card can be easily tracked from any location in the building. This can be beneficial in situations where the location of an item or piece of equipment can change based on a number of factors, such as weather or construction work.

RFID can be an effective tool for a variety of applications, including supply chain tracking and healthcare supplies. In the field of medical supplies, it can improve inventory management and reduce waste by improving accountability.

For instance, an RFID medication cart can speed up the process of administering medications and blood samples by automatically capturing data on what was delivered to patients. It can also reduce the amount of times that an operator has to wait for a patient to receive their medication or blood sample, which can increase efficiency and reduce costs.

However, there are some disadvantages to rfid as well. For example, it can be expensive to set up and maintain, and it is not always foolproof. Therefore, you must do your own cost-to-benefit analysis before deciding to implement an RFID system.


RFID cards are widely used in the health care industry, for example, to track patients and medical staff. This technology improves the efficiency of healthcare providers, as it reduces their time in performing tasks like blood sampling or rfid card supplier medication administration. In addition, it has a number of other benefits, such as increasing accuracy tasks, refining business processes, and reducing human error.

An RFID card consists of a chip attached to a tag, an antenna, and a reader that communicates with the card. The reader sends signals to the chip, which transmits information on the tag to a computer or other device. The reader can be fixed or wireless, depending on the application.

In the healthcare industry, an RFID card has many potential applications, such as managing patient profiles, ensuring access to individuals (staff and patients), allowing for automated tracking of inventory, and protecting against theft. Some studies have shown that the technology can increase productivity and efficiency by reducing wait times, enabling more accurate tasks, and improving security.

For example, a study in 2010 found that the use of an RFID medication cart reduced the time it took for blood sampling and surgery by 67%. It also improved the satisfaction of staff and patients.

Another application is in the hotel industry, where the use of RFID access cards is an effective way to manage customers’ information and their movements within facilities. These cards can be linked to a company’s database and used to allow or deny the access of individuals to specific rooms.

These cards are often used to open a range of locks, as they can be programmed for multiple doors and locks at once. This saves the user from having to hold onto a key ring filled with different keys for each lock.

These cards can also be used to secure access to printers, as they provide a seamless and secure way for users to access a particular machine without memorizing PIN codes or manually entering the password each time. This is particularly beneficial for hospitals and other facilities where there are restricted areas where employees have to enter a PIN code each time they need to access equipment.


RFID cards are a popular technology, spanning several industries, including access control, supply chain management and contactless payment. These cards use radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and readers to transmit data in real time. The cost of a card can vary widely, depending on the size, type and quality of the tag and the number of readers required.

For example, passive RFID tags are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased for under $10 each. They are ideal for tracking paper, non-metal or liquid assets.

Similarly, active tags are much more expensive but can be used for highly sensitive items such as IT equipment and metal surfaces. These tags emit their own signals, which allow them to be fully automated and read in near 100% accuracy.

The cost of an rfid card also depends on the substrate, which holds the chip and antenna together, and whether the tag is active or passive. A typical passive 96-bit EPC inlay costs from 7 to 15 U.S. cents, while an active tag with special protective housing or a longer battery life can be more than $100.

Passive RFID handheld readers are often installed in warehouses and other industrial settings to help with a variety of tasks. These devices scan products and can also be used to audit the location of assets.

Many c-level executives see the value of RFID in supply chain management, as it allows them to improve inventory accuracy and make customer orders more transparent. In addition, they can use these solutions to boost their brand in the eyes of consumers.

For these reasons, a business must build a business case and evaluate the choices before they can choose the best RFID solution for their needs. The choice will depend on the level of investment required, how long the system is expected to operate and what benefits the company can expect to gain from it.

The most cost-effective choice for a small organization will usually be passive RFID, which can provide the necessary location granularity. It can cost as little as $1,000 to install a network of passive RFID readers in a single manufacturing facility, although it may need to be expanded as the organization expands its operations.