Choosing the Right Fertilizer Spreader For Your Lawn and Garden

fertilizer spreader

Choosing the Right Fertilizer Spreader For Your Lawn and Garden

Choosing the right fertilizer spreader to apply your lawn and garden products can help you achieve more even coverage, less frustration and better results.

When shopping for a spreader, be sure to look at its distribution area and ability to hold a lot of fertilizer. You also want to make sure it can handle your specific lawn care needs.

Large Distribution Area

Fertilizer spreaders are designed to spread fertilizer evenly across a large area in one pass. They can also be used to broadcast lime or dry fertilizer and are commonly found on farms and ranches.

The size of the distribution area of a spreader is important because it allows it to cover a larger area in a short amount of time. Manufacturers typically express this in terms of how many square feet the full hopper can cover.

However, it is also important to consider the spread pattern of the machine as these settings can significantly affect how evenly the fertilizer is distributed across the swath. The following are some factors that can impact the application spread of a fertilizer spreader:

Product Density (Granules): Grass seed and other granular materials such as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers change their density and hardness over time. This can impact the spinner-disc speed that the machine uses to rotate the granules and ultimately, how far the fertilizer is spread out.

Variables such as wind speed and direction can also influence fertilizer spreader the spreader’s application distribution. This is why it is important to check the spreader’s distribution before making adjustments or making changes to other settings, such as driving direction.

Spinner-disc Speed: The rotational rate of the spinner-discs controls how far the fertilizer is spread out (single pass spread width). Low to medium spinner-disc speeds are typically recommended for more uniform fertilizer distribution across the swath.

However, this is not always the case and can vary depending on the application rate and fertilizer quality. This is why it is important to check and make adjustments to the spinner-disc speed based on what is being applied and what type of fertilizer is being used.

Flow Divider Position: The flow divider position is the most sensitive setting to consider as it determines how evenly the fertilizer is distributed across the spread width. Changing the flow divider position can make the spreader more efficient, improve spreading speed, and increase fertilizer effectiveness by providing a more uniform distribution behind the machine.

The rotary spreader has a wider spread pattern than a drop spreader, which means it can cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. It also reduces the likelihood of skips by gradually reducing the amount of fertilizer slinging away from the machine.

Ability to Hold a Lot of Fertilizer

The ability to hold a lot of fertilizer is one of the most important features that you should look for when shopping for a spreader. This will allow you to keep your lawn covered without having to refill it multiple times. Investing in a spreader with a high holding capacity will save you time and money.

This is especially helpful for large lawns that may be difficult to cover with a handheld spreader. It will also help you reduce the number of trips you make to the store for more fertilizer.

Whether you want to apply slow-release or fast-releasing fertilizer, you will need to have a fertilizer spreader with a hopper that holds enough product to meet your needs. Ideally, a hopper should be able to hold enough to cover the entire area of the lawn you are fertilizing.

A good way to find out how much fertilizer a spreader can hold is by taking it for a test drive before you buy it. You can do this by placing a bag of fertilizer in the hopper and then moving it around the yard to see how much it covers. This will give you a rough idea of how much material a spreader can hold and how long it will take to empty the hopper.

You can also measure how much material a fertilizer spreader can hold by calibrating it. Getting the right calibration will ensure that it spreads fertilizer at the correct rate and in the appropriate amount of coverage.

It will also prevent your fertilizer from clumping together. This will help you achieve even coverage, which is crucial to maximizing your yields.

The best fertilizers are slow-releasing, meaning that they release the nutrients over a longer period of time. This allows them to break down and be absorbed by the grass roots.

This is the best type of fertilizer for your lawn, as it will help it grow healthy and strong. It will also protect your soil from pests and other issues.

It is recommended to fertilize your lawn during the spring when the ground is warm and the air temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If you miss this window, the plants can become sick and die.

Easy to Operate

Whether you have a small lawn or a large one, a fertilizer spreader can make the task of applying fertilizer and seed much easier. These machines allow you to control the amount of product that you apply and reduce the number of errors that can occur when using a hand-held spreader or sprayer.

These devices come in a variety of styles and can be towed, pushed or pulled across your yard. There are also models that have a liquid application system that allows you to use a sprayer to distribute the fertilizer or seed.

Many fertilizer labels recommend the appropriate setting for your spreader, and you can check to see if it’s correct by measuring the width of the granules that fall from the spreader. If the granules are too wide, you’ll need to increase your rate of application. If they’re too narrow, you’ll need to decrease your rate of application.

Calibration of your fertilizer spreader is important because it can maximize the accuracy of your application and save you money on under- or over-application. It’s a simple process that requires you to measure the area that you want to fertilize and then set your spreader accordingly.

First, lay out a known test area that is 1,000 square feet in size. Place 20 pounds of fertilizer in your spreader and make one pass over the test area. Repeat this process until you determine your spreader’s effective width.

Next, adjust your spreader so that the dispensing area overlaps the first fertilized strip by 6 to 12 inches. Hold the spreader at this position, and then walk from one corner of your yard to the other. Continue making side-by-side strips until you have covered the entire area.

Once you have applied the fertilizer spreader desired amount of fertilizer, you should clean off your spreader. This will help prevent blockages and ensure that you can use it again without any problems.

If you’re looking for a great fertilizer spreader, check out the Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard Mini Broadcast Spreader. It’s a great choice for people with a smaller garden and it’s also affordable. It comes with 23 spread settings and has a rubberized handle grip.


Depending on your kilowatt budget you may have to do some legwork to find the best deal on a commercial fertilizer spreader for your business. The best fertilizer spreader for sale will have the best customer service and sales representatives to boot. A few savvy questions and a couple of on-site visits to the dealer may be all it takes. Most importantly you can make your business a success by putting in the work. Using a top notch service and sales representative you can be well on your way to achieving your goals in no time.