Benefits of an Indoor Swimming Treadmill

indoor swimming treadmill

Benefits of an Indoor Swimming Treadmill

Whether you are an elite athlete looking to boost your mileage or someone recovering from injury, the aquatic treadmill provides an invigorating and low impact workout. Walking or running on an underwater treadmill can reduce the shock and stress to your joints by up to 75%.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine hormones increase indoor swimming treadmill after exercising on an aquatic treadmill at moderate intensity level compared with the landed walking exercise.


Whether you’re an athlete looking for an effective cross-training workout, a patient recovering from an injury or just trying to improve your health, walking or running on an underwater treadmill is one of the best ways to get your body moving. The natural buoyancy of water reduces your body weight by up to 90 percent, so you can burn calories and strengthen your legs and core without the pounding that comes with running on land. In addition, the resistance of the water increases as you walk or run faster, making the workout more intense and challenging.

While anyone can walk or run on an underwater treadmill, professional athletes and physical therapists have discovered its amazing benefits. For example, running in water increases the range of motion of your knees and hips, while also allowing you to use your arms more freely. This type of movement is ideal for patients recovering from sports injuries and arthritis sufferers. In fact, a physical therapist may prescribe aqua jogging for injured patients to help them regain their muscle strength while reducing stress on the joints and tendons.

When used correctly, the underwater treadmill provides a low-impact, full-body workout that’s fun and effective for people of all ages indoor swimming treadmill and fitness levels. When exercising on the water treadmill, it’s important to maintain proper form and gait, so you don’t end up with painful, strained muscles. It’s also important to keep your back straight and avoid slouching, as this can lead to an improper posture that decreases the effectiveness of the exercise.

In addition to the physical benefits, an underwater treadmill can boost your mental state. Research shows that exercising in the water can stimulate brain activity, and the positive effects last long after your workout is over. This is because the brain releases chemicals that make you feel happier and more satisfied.

While everyone knows that exercise is good for you, not many know how much more beneficial it is in the water than on land. A study conducted by Texas A&M University found that aquatic treadmill training significantly reduced both exercise systolic and diastolic blood pressure, compared to traditional land-based workouts.


The pool treadmill can be installed within existing pools and sits on the floor, so no modifications to your swimming area are required. It is very simple to install and requires no tools. It can be removed without any hassles in case of emergency or for cleaning. The handrail can be installed or removed in just 10 seconds. The pool treadmill is built to last with high quality materials and does not rust when submerged in water.